


+ America: Freedom to Fascism +

America: Freedom to Fascism

Aaron Russo


IRS like the Gestapo is above the U.S. Constitution
おすすめ度 ★★★★★

One of the companies that I did business with was ran by a man that actually did not pay income tax. He said it was a slippery road but with a good lawyer it was possible. One had to do their homework and be prepared with answers. He went as far as not letting the government force him to collect income tax on his employees. So far he has lasted several years. I still check now and then.

So as with such documentaries as “Waco - The Rules of Engagement “(1997,) and “The Siege at Ruby Ridge” (1996). We can only say “they should not have” and shake our heads; however her is a chance to act before it id too late “Freedomtofascism.com”.

This documentary is a must see as we suspected it is them (federal reserve that is not federal) and that there National I.D. or our constitutional freedom. Aaron Russo makes several good points.
To re-enforce the points we hear from:

John Turner
Joseph R. Banister
Sherry Jackson
Charlie Beall
Peter Gibbons
G. Edward Griffin
Bob Schulz
Catherine Austin Fitts
Phil Hart
Larken Rose
Irwin Schiff
Vernice Kuglin
Tom Selgas
Edwin Vieira
David Champion
Jan Lindsey
Sheldon Cohen
Marcella Brooks
Franklin Sanders
Jennifer Long
John Colaprete
Edy Miller
Scotty Miller
Ricky Miller
Jennifer Miller
Ron Paul
Michael Ruppert
Bill Murphy
Peter Defazio
James Bovard
Katherine Albrecht
Rebecca Mercuri

A good book to read in this genre would be “This Perfect Day” by Ira Levin.

おすすめ度 ★★★★★

非常に素晴らしい一品だと思います 。ファンであれば購入価値は高いかと存じます。



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